
We are a “Go Ye Church”!

We are committed to championing the Great Commission of Jesus to the diverse regions, race and nations of the world. This Global Mission is propelled by our lazer-focused visionary leadership. From the General Superintendent to our amiable Regional Overseer and cascading down to every faithful member of the DLBC WashingtonDC region, we labor together to “win the lost at any cost”!

Recently, we have just launched into a new country! The Phillipines! It’s awesome to note that a new Deeper Life Bible Church has already begun Sunday Worship Services and Bible Studies in the Phillipines, in south east Asia. Our goal as a mission-centric organization is to make disciples and equip the local church to grow and multiply. And from several experiences we have garnered over the years, we look forward to achieving this by sharing the gospel of Christ both in word and deed among unreached people groups who are separated from the gospel by cultural, geographic, socioeconomic, or language barriers. Your financial support, prayers and goodwill are higly appreciated as we seek to fulfill the Great Commandments given to us by our Lord and Saviour Jesus!
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